Dear friends,
Here are the dates for March:
03.03.23, 19.00 – 21.00 Tunelearning FranzWerk. Afterwards we will enjoy an interactive puppet show “The World of Mushin Bey”.
10.03.23 Tunelearning FranzWerk, 19.00 hrs – 21.00 hrs
17.03.23 Tunelearning FranzWerk, 19.00 hrs – 21.00 hrs
23.03.23 5.15 p.m., Concert/Jamsession, Asylum Centre Tübingen, Neckarhalde 40, 72070 Tübingen
24.03.23 Tunelearning FranzWerk, 19.00 hrs – 21.00 hrs or jam session (not yet decided).
And now some happy news:
🙂 Sofia will be part of the musical team from March. So from March there will be six of us. Sofia will support the melody.
🙂 Safe the date: From 07.06. – 10.06.23 Folklang Festival in Sudhaus/Tübingen. It’s great that we will play the concert in the new hall of the Sudhaus and the beer garden will be open. A detailed update will be available soon :-)!
Best regards
Your Folklang Team