Dear friends,
there has been a lot going on in the past weeks and we have managed it quite well together. The visits of the SWR journalists with their contributions, the very affectionate journalist from the Tagblatt, our festival…
A very special thank you to all of you who helped and supported us.
We do not know yet how and if it will continue in January 2023:
A funding application is still under consideration. Here we expect a response either mid-December 22 or early 23. It is also possible that the district of Tübingen will support us in 2023. Here we wait for the budget negotiations. To fund 2023 into the fall/winter we need both grants.
We have received a lot of public appreciation in 2022 – let’s hope that this appreciation will help us to continue Folklang :-)!
We will keep you updated!
Your Folklang Team