Dear friends,
here are some updates + reminders:
On 17 September 2022, we will play/jam for the Pauline Krone Heim in Tübingen (Wilhelmstraße 87, 72074 Tübingen). This action is free of charge and a gift from Folklang 2.0 to the residents 🙂 If the weather is fine, we will play/jam outside from 3 pm. If it rains we play inside but have to get pre-tested. They have a testing station that is open until 3pm. This means that if it rains we have to arrive earlier to get tested.
As a reminder, on 03.10.22 we have the concert at the Stadthalle Herrenberg. The concert is supposed to start at 6 pm. We can enter the hall at 4 pm. We might play two sets of 20 minutes each. Maybe 40 minutes at a stretch. They are still thinking….. . More info in the last newsletter.
The dates for the Tunelearnings in September are: 09.09./16.09. (outside), 23.09./ and 30.09.22 (dress rehearsal).
By the way 😎: Folklang 2.0 was nominated for the German Neighbourhood Award 2022 out of several hundred submissions! The prize was created by the Foundation to honour neighbourly commitment. Our project is one of the 94 projects nominated throughout Germany. With this nomination, we now have the chance to win one of the 16 state prizes or even one of the five theme prizes in the categories Generations, Culture & Sport, Sustainability, Public Space and Diversity. Find out more about our nomination here:
Tomorrow, Friday, 09.09.22 at 19.00 we start again and Conce and David have their debut as team members!!!!
Many greetings
Your Folklang 2.0 Team